Entries by admin

Preparing Your Will: 8 Important Checklist Items to Consider

Sixty percent of Americans admit to not having a will prepared.  Preparing a will is a task many people will put off because they believe they still have many years to live. But unless you can predict the future, you should prepare a will now just in case.  There are many important reasons for having a will. […]

7 Common Mistakes to Avoid during a Child Custody Case

Over one-quarter of children in the U.S. live with one parent, while their other parent lives in another home. This shows how prevalent divorce and child custody cases are. If you’re a parent finding yourself in the middle of a child custody case, you may be confused about your parental rights and the uncertainty of […]

Family Law: What Is a Temporary Order?

You and your ex cannot get along. And you’ve finally decided that it’s time to go your separate ways. Trouble is, you can’t reach an agreement on the terms of the separation either. So, you ask for a temporary order. One of the most common mistakes divorcing couples make is disregarding a temporary order. That’s […]

Living Together While Divorcing: Should You Move Out?

While millennials get blamed for a lot, one thing they can’t be blamed for is a rise in the divorce rate. That’s because, between 2008 and 2016, the rate dropped by more than 18 percent. Despite this, divorce is still occurring in an overwhelming number of marriages. And the overall divorce rate won’t matter much […]

How to Get Custody of Your Grandchild

Around the country, nearly 3 million grandparents are raising their grandchildren instead of biological parents. This is so normal that judges and legal systems across the country know how to grant this custody in a standardized manner. IF you’re trying to figure out how to get custody of your grandchild, patience will be your ally […]

What Happens If You Commit Perjury in Family Court?

Perjury is the act of lying under oath. And we all know from 5th grade civics class that this is a crime in and of itself. But, unfortunately, it’s incredibly common in family court, as well as court in general. It’s supposed to be punishable as a criminal act, and in a perfect world, all […]

Top 8 Signs You Need to Hire a Child Custody Lawyer

You fell in love and couldn’t imagine life without each other. Then you decided to get hitched. At first, everything was rosy and there were no issues to report. Then you got your first child. But instead of life becoming even better, it got worse. Even your baby couldn’t bring you closer together. So, you […]

Top 10 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Family Lawyer

You’re headed down the road of divorce, and it’s a bittersweet feeling. On the one hand, you can’t wait to break up with your spouse and move on with your own independent life. At the same time, you’re dreading the rocky moments you’re likely to encounter on the way to freedom — you know, the […]

8 Reasons to Hire an Attorney to Handle Your Divorce

Infidelity, financial problems, and conflict are some of the most common reasons for divorce. No matter the reason for yours, it’s bound to be a difficult time in your life. That’s why you need to hire an attorney. Divorce is a complicated and arduous process, and if you attempt to go through it alone, you […]

10 Times You’ll Need a Family Attorney on Your Side

Are you in need of an experienced family lawyer to help you through your legal issues? An experienced family law attorney can give you valuable insight into the legal process. He or she can also be a trusted counselor and someone to lean on during a difficult time in your personal life. While many people […]