Choose from 527 Family Law Lawyers in Austin, TX
Divorce affects all children differently. There are some who become closer to one parent than the other, and some who become closed off and start acting out. When you have a teen that is acting out, it can be hard to know what steps you can take to help them. Hiring a family attorney in Austin, TX may be a great option to consider ensuring that you abide within the restraints of the law.
Establish What Issues Are Concerning You
It’s important to document what issues you notice arising with your teen. You need to let the family attorney near me know what actions your teen is taking and why they concern you. Doing a simple change of child custody may be enough to see a difference in the way that your child is acting if the other parent provides a different lifestyle for them. Some teens need more restrictions than others and changing custody can help.
A Judge Can Order Your Teen to Get Help
If your teen is taking part in criminal activity, you may be able to get the family court to step in to help them. There are more than 21% of the population in Austin, TX being children . The court system wants to keep as many of them on the right track as possible. A judge may be able to order your teen to get drug treatment if they are abusing drugs or simply spend time in counseling if they are acting out. The best family law firms do not work pro bono though for cases like this. You can talk to an attorney for an initial consultation to find out what options are available to you without paying a hefty fee. But after that, you need to be willing to pay the necessary fees to ensure you do everything you can to help your teen without violating the law.