
Thinking About Divorce? Here’s What You Need to Know

Having a life partner is a wonderful feeling. Being able to share your daily life with a person who cares deeply about you is something you can cherish forever. However, as with many situations in life, sometimes, things just don’t work out. In the United States, the most recent divorce rate is 2.9 per 1,000 population, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

As the U.S. Census Bureau reports in the 2017 Current Population Survey, there are approximately 130 million married adults in America, but close to half of all marriages end in divorce.

Divorces are fairly common in our society, as it’s important that people have an avenue to exit an unhealthy relationship. Divorce can be different for everyone, as each relationship will have its own ups and downs and its own strengths and weaknesses.

It’s part of life that sometimes people may grow apart and may be better off on their own. If you’re thinking about divorce, here’s what you need to know to keep your family happy and healthy.

Don’t Beat Yourself Up

There’s no secret that every relationship takes a lot of work. You can’t put minimal effort in and expect marriage to thrive and last forever. Relationships are built on love, trust, and communication, and if you’re missing one of these core pillars, you’ll really struggle to keep things going.

While you should certainly do your part to make your marriage work, you also should feel proud of yourself for doing the best you could. There comes a time when you realize that things just aren’t working, and perhaps for your safety, wellbeing and personal happiness you’ll be more successful if you’re separated.

The key is that you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself once you reach the point of moving forward separately. This is especially true if you are the victim of physical, verbal and/or emotional abuse.

If you have been mistreated, neglected and/or lied to by an unfaithful, unloyal or uncaring partner, then you should try your best to find a safe space where you can talk about your feelings and process what your future could be.

Your spouse’s behavior may be out of your control, and you need support and guidance to help you understand the idea that there’s nothing more you could have done. If you’ve given it your all and it still wasn’t enough, then divorce is definitely the most viable option. A highly reputable and regarded family attorney can help you through the process.

You Have Options During a Divorce

Oftentimes, people stay in unhealthy relationships because they think they have no choice. They worry about what will happen to their families and their finances if they leave.

While it’s understandable to be concerned about these things, it’s also important that you put your own happiness and wellbeing first for a change. There are options to explore when you want to separate from your spouse.

Lawyers who specialize in divorce can help you navigate your new path to a better life on your own. Even the most complicated situations, such as those involving monetary disputes and child custody arrangements, can be worked out with the help of family attorneys who dedicated their lives to supporting others during difficult times.

Even though the idea of divorce may seem very daunting and overwhelming to you, it’s a more attractive alternative than being unhappy and miserable for the rest of your life in a doomed marriage.

It Won’t Always Be This Way

Another thing you should remember when facing divorce is that you will make it through this speed bump. Your life won’t always be like this, and by moving forward and getting on with your life you’ll be opening up opportunities for more personal happiness and success.

While it may seem like the pain and sadness will never go away, it will as time passes.

Divorces can be amicable, hostile and everything in between. Knowing what you know about your partner, you can gauge how they may react and respond to divorce proceedings and prepare accordingly. If you’re worried, they will be very angry and aggressive, then it’s in your best interests to contact a divorce attorney sooner rather than later.

Legal guidance can make a huge difference in the divorce process, and you won’t regret having someone by your side with the appropriate knowledge and expertise to help with your situation. Regardless of what happens during your divorce, just hold steady to the idea that your future will be great. Moving on with your life can have such a positive impact on you and the people who care about you.

Your Future is Bright

It’s totally true that your post-divorce life is full of promise and potential. If it’s time for you to move on, think of this as an opportunity for you to focus on the things you are truly interested in.

Your family and friends will learn to adjust to your new normal, as will you. It will require patience and flexibility, but your life is far from over just because you’re getting a divorce. There’s hope on the horizon; you’ll be much happier and healthier once you kiss a soured relationship goodbye.

It will be good for your family members to see you taking care of yourself.

Hiring a Lawer For Your Divorce

If you are thinking about divorce, but don’t know what to do, we can help you. There are plenty of resources out there and many people who have been in your shoes. You’d be surprised how many people there are who can relate to your situation and give you guidance.

Plus, you can always contact divorce attorneys who would are happy to help get you moving forward. This is a call you won’t regret making. Good luck on your new journey!

5 Things a Family Attorney Can Help You With

There are many reasons why a person might seek the help of a family attorney. The aim of this article is to inform you of five things a family attorney can help you with.

1. Divorce

When two people get married there is a legal relationship between them according to the state. When two people decide that they no longer want to be married there are legal proceedings that must take place.

Depending on what state the two people get married the rules and paperwork required for a divorce will vary. All states in the United States do allow a divorce under what is called a no-fault divorce. Some states do require that two people are separated for a specific length of time.

Additionally, several states have something called a residence requirement. A residence requirement helps to prevent people from looking for the best divorce law in different states.

Also, each state does have certain guidelines for the division of assets and debt in the process of the divorce. Issues such as domestic violence and infidelity can influence the decision of the divorce made by the court. There are many aspects and factors to consider when filing for a divorce. Many of the factors can be overly emotional and stressful. For this reason, having a family attorney in a divorce process can be extremely helpful.

2. Alimony

Another aspect of divorce that a family attorney can help with is alimony. Along with the issue of alimony, spousal support it’s also common in divorces. Various states have a method to help determine the amount of spousal support that is required.

This is not always the case, though. Sometimes, it can be up to the discretion of the judge. In the circumstances that a court uses a method to determine a support amount, it’s important that the court has all the correct information they need. When it comes to spousal support, the length of time that two people are married is a consideration made by the court.

Another factor also depends upon whether a parent has the ability to pay for the care of the children, as well as any level of debt that was accumulated with joint effort.

In such situations, the court will look at the age of both people requesting the divorce to determine whether they’re able to work or not. One of the final considerations made is any misconduct that occurred from either of the people within their relationship. A family lawyer can work to offer evidence of various aspects needed to influence the court’s decision. Evidence and influence of the court allow for the best possible outcome that a person is looking for.

3. Child Custody

A highly debated form of law done by family attorneys is child custody. Many states will make the decision on child custody and the amount of time a parent gets with the child based on what is best for that child.

In such a situation the court will consider factors such as which parent is the one that has a better bond with the child as well as whether a parent can provide a stable home for the child.
If two parents can agree on a custody agreement the court will usually allow for it. But if the parents are unable to come to an agreement in the presence of a family lawyer is needed. Family lawyers are able to provide evidence about what is best for the child to the court. Evidence can include the child’s school records, letters by a psychologist or counselor, medical records and more.

A family lawyer will work to get all of the evidence needed for the court. Another thing is that family lawyers are knowledgeable about the rules of each state. When dealing with child custody, they have to be considerate of the rules regarding evidence and what is applicable or not within the jurisdiction.

4. Child Support

Aside from the child custody issues, child support is another area where family lawyers come into play. This is because children have a right to receive support from both parents.

The overall aim of child support is to give children whose parents are no longer together the ability to live with the same financial stability that they would have if both parents were still living together. Additionally, the courts generally decide that the parent caring for the child gives direct support to them.

When deciding the amount of child support that will be paid the court considers things like income, tax deductions, insurance, and childcare costs. A family lawyer will work with you to ensure that the amount of child support being paid is correct. The lawyer can do this by making sure the other parent does not hide any income or employment records.


5. Domestic Violence

The last thing that family lawyers are able to assist you with is issues with domestic violence. Domestic violence situations happen when threats or abuse occurs between two individuals’ in a relationship.

When this happens, a family lawyer can help you to navigate certain avenues necessary to keep yourself safe. Lawyers help people to get orders of protection or restraining orders against people committing acts of domestic violence.

On the other hand, family lawyers can also help to stop any false claims of domestic violence between two people. A common belief is that domestic violence is only physical. But this is not true, domestic violence may be emotional, mental, physical, sexual, and even financial.

Finding a Family Attorney

For many, getting a family attorney is the best option to provide safety and stability to the home. If you think you might be in need of a family attorney, you should contact a family law office.

Dealing with legal issues and court proceedings without the help of a family lawyer is tiring and can sometimes be devastating.