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Joel A. Arends, Arends Law, P.C.

Joel Arends offers his clients substantive experience in a wide range of fields including personal injury, family law, estate planning/probate, real estate, government relations and public policy development.Born and raised in Little Rock, Iowa, Joel Arends graduated from the University of South Dakota and received his law degree from the University of South Dakota in 2006.In 2018 the voters of Lincoln County elected Arends to serve a four year term on the Lincoln County Commission in County Commission District 1. Arends ran on a platform of fiscal responsibility, economic growth, fidelity to taxpayers and creating partnerships with local, state, federal and private stakeholders.Having worked at the highest levels of American campaigns, Arends served as a campaign aide to former president George W. Bush and former presidential candidates Senator John McCain and Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann. Joel had the rare and distinct privilege to personally endorse Donald Trump and his presidential campaign on the deck of the USS Iowa in September 2015.
marker Sioux Falls, South Dakota


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