12 reviews

Tilden & Tilden

marker Porter, Indiana


12 reviews
Robin DaVaney

I would definitely not recommend Cindy to anyone. She only cares about getting paid and her reputation and will not fight for you.
Kevin Lhotak

Great service who care about clients
Angelique Peluyera-Cardona

I trust them. I know that everyone has a busy life but I still feel like they give me the time needed to leave there with confidence that I am a priority. I've used other lawyers but I don't like being a number! Being a number doesn't mix when your in need of a lawyer! Thank you for the good experiences.
Rachel Crawford

Cindy Tilden represented me. I know how busy law offices can be, but after leaving 3 messages with her secretary and emailing her once over the span of 4 months and never getting a call back until the day AFTER my hearing that she showed up to but never had the courtesy to call me back and remind me about; I found it rather unprofessional. She also showed up to another hearing hours late and never once fought for what I was requesting. I received my basic rights that I could have gotten myself by just sitting there without an attorney and then was charged 3k for her services.
Stefanie nowka

Love Mr. Tilden and the whole office. Absolutely trust them 100% and the picture is wrong he does not work out of the village tavern.
bobby richardson

Ashley Moreau

kevin keefover

John Lesko

Michael Gard

Kelly Hempenius

Cindy and Nick are outstanding. They care about you and take the time to understand your legal issue and present solutions. They follow up and respond quickly to concerns. I highly recommend Tilden and Tilden!
Kimberly Stanley

Nick helped us through the estate management for my brother. His affairs were not in order, and Nick spent hours working through the legal issues we confronted, including directly dealing with the credit collection agencies and the sale of his house. I don't know how we would have worked through this process without Nick's counsel and willingness to jump in to get things done.