Introduction: Briefly introduce the concept of Divorce Laws

A divorce is marriage dissolution. When two people get divorced a marriage relationship that they had is terminated legally by a court. During the divorce process a family law attorney is needed to contribute. But both spouses need a lawyer of their own and the process can get unpretty.

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Unfortunately, during a divorce there are problems that challenge the process including property disputes and what to do with children. The main problem during a divorce end up being property division in terms of deciding what party is getting what out of the financial. Another thing is alimony and it’s also called spousal support.

When a person receives alimony one of them has to pay the other person once a month to be current on the court settled legal agreement. Spousal support and support of a child is also common. During a divorce someone becomes a main custodial parent; when one parents get sole custody, the other parent has to agree to child support being paid.

Child support pays out once every month or as long as agreed on. Child support isn’t something that happens on its own and it is part of the child custody agreement made in the court process. Families being separated that have children need to be decent people and work for what’s best for the child and this does not always happen.

When a family that is separating has children, there is need to ensure decency in the process of separation by choosing what works best for the children. Unfortunately, things do not always happen in this way. It’s normal for courts and parents of a child or multiple children to make a decision on where they will live and what’s best. Child custody issues with divorce is a heartbreaking and difficult process for all people involved.

Divorce Happens All the Time

Even though it is a sad thing divorce of marriage happens all the time. Getting a divorce hurts everyone that’s part of the family forced to be involved. The reasons for divorce could be many things and it just depends on the situation.

Divorce could be from cheating and stealing or lying to a marriage partner. But if making vows for better or for worse what is awful enough that it would be seen for grounds for divorce. The divorce rate statistics are getting higher in today day and age.

In America the number of marriages in 2016 was 2,245,404. Sadly, the divorce statistics during that time was 827,261. It is quite a chunk of people that are divorcing after committing to a marriage relationship with someone.


People who get married in the US have a 50% likeliness of the relationship ending in a divorce. Getting a divorce from a spouse is complicated and things like filing for the divorce, paying for it and other things are involved.

The time that it takes for someone to get divorced depends on where they live and the differences of the case from other divorces. Best case scenario is when both spouses agree to get divorced and deal with needed processes in a simple and cooperative way.

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