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Philip E. Mullin, Attorney at Law

If you need an attorney in the El Paso, Texas area for your family law case, probate law case or criminal law case look no further than attorney Philip E. Mullin. Legal matters can be confusing and stressful for those who are not familiar with court system in Texas. Mr. Mullin has over 40 years of experience as an attorney to help guide you through the process of your case. Call Philip E. Mullin, Attorney at Law in El Paso, Texas for a case consultation today.Family legal matters can be difficult for all parties involved. Philip E. Mullin, Attorney at Law focuses on helping you get the best outcome possible in your case. His advice and counsel can greatly help you navigate the waters of the family legal system. Mr. Mullin is also experienced in working with military law cases. If you need a family lawyer in El Paso, TX, call Philip E. Mullin.
marker El Paso, Texas


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