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Law Offices of Ruben Ortiz

When you choose the Law Offices of Ruben Ortiz you can be confident that you will receive the personalized legal solutions that you require at this time. Since 1998, Ruben Ortiz has been practicing law and has obtained an exceptional track record of success. He is fully equipped and qualified to represent your rights and best interests next. When you are faced with a complex legal matter, you need an attorney who will tirelessly fight for you. You need a legal professional who is highly knowledgeable, experienced, and dedicated to your case. You need Ruben Ortiz.Our attorney can invest the necessary time and energy into your case to ensure your voice is heard both in and out of court. He will pursue the most favorable case outcome possible and can help you successfully navigate through the complexities of the legal system. Whether you are facing a family law matter, have been wrongfully injured or have recently been arrested for a criminal offense – Attorney Ruben is here for you when you need him most.
marker El Paso, Texas


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