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LegalShield Reviews
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Susan Buck
Spoke with customer service after being on hold 10 minutes. I had received my bill with a statement date 6/5/20 and payment due within 30 days. I asked to pay my bill and had a cc ready. The customer service rep said I had to pay my bill on June 22. I said I would like to pay it today and am prepared to pay my semi annual fee. She said again I had to pay June 22. I said Maam do you always pay your bills on the exact date they are due? She said YESI said there is usually a time period and this bill gives a payment due within 30 days. She said again you cannot pay until June 22 and hung up on me. Forget this business. I am done.
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James Williams
My wife and I had a legal issue with a company in WV that would not perform the work as promised once they had received money to start the work and no matter how many times we tried to make contact to get results we were totally ignored. After contacting Legal Shield we received a response quickly from the attorney who gave us the legal advice we needed to start the process to get our money back from the company. With his legal advice we were able to get a credit back to our charge card for the amount paid. It took awhile but, was well worth it. It is good to know that no matter where we are in the US we have legal representation if needed. We have also used their services for other issues to get legal advice before following through. The firms that are used are some of the best in the country. Highly recommended Legal Shield for a piece of mind if ever needed.
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Astrid Xoxo
It's good when you have minor legal questions Some lawyers are rude. They don't want to help with other questions. I wanted to know how to search or research on market values close by my city. But, the lawyer kept saying, ' I can't answer that question.' So basically you pay a month to hear lawyers giving you minimum advice. It has helped me with my speed tickets.
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louis gonzalez
First visit to the home office and it was beautiful. The building is huge, but there is still a sense of togetherness from all the staff inside. Everyone was friendly from start to finish during my visit. I learned more about the founder and company from the staff than I ever could by reading online. To anyone who is a member or an associate, visiting the home office isn't an experience you'll soon forget.
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Tammy Watters
I signed up to be an Associate for Legal Shield, I was all going ho on selling the plan and protecting my friends and family. When it came time for us to utilize the service, we were bamboozled!!!! The attorneys did nothing to help our legal issues!! I cannot in good faith back a plan like that. And the hoops you have to jump through to get an issue investigated cause too much extra stress. We did not sign on for this .
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Jason Cataldo
Had a member of their business write very nasty, false things about our business.
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Debra Niemeyer
I have had the membership for 5 years and I have called them on several occasions and have had letters written on my behalf and it is absolutely amazing at the compassion my law firm has for me and my family!
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Nokeima Ramirez
I enjoyed visiting the home office. The staff was great.
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Tim Patterson
Been a member for 7 or 8 years , have used the service a handful of times and it's paid for itself 10x over
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Susan Basore
The lawyers ( a big law firm in Los Angles), they provide didn't keep us updated and they wouldn't return our calls. And they
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shelly Hamrick
Legal shield I have paid for the services I have yet to be able to explore the websitevthey close way to early still paying fir services I can not avcess I called the help line and the lady was not helpful at all I have to go threw Benefits to cancel so u will end up paying 75 dollars for absolutely nothing I do not recommend Legal Shield to anyone
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Jayson Schindler
Became a legal/id shield member in attempt to protect my identity. I instead recieved the exact opposite. I had an issue with my brother's credit information getting interchanged with mine. This company was of no help in dealing with the situation. I cancelled my services as there was no services being provided. Legal/idshield then continued to charge my credit card for another members account that I never authorized to pay for. Legal Shield refused to make this right and return my funds. They even told me that they couldn't figure out why I was billed for someone else's account. After receiving no help and wasting several hours of my work day I decided to contact my credit card company instead. Credit card company told me that them charging me for someone else's account is fraudulent and are currently working on reversing the transactions. I highly suggest not using these services.
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Christy Redden
It is the best job I've ever had!
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Benjamin Bowerman
Helpful advice from friendly people.
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Alexander Snow
The law firm LegalShield connected me with gave me damaging, and blatantly incorrect, legal counsel leading to $100 of real damages and ten's of thousands of dollars in speculative damages. When I confronted the law firm, they told me 'you should have just hired us outright.' I filed a complaint with LegalShield who backed up the actions of the law firm 100%, inviting me to submit a BBB complaint against them.The BBB complaint was responded to with (paraphrasing here) 'the integrity, and quality of legal counsel is irrelevant, and LegalShield upheld their end of the deal.'I contested the response, but the BBB shut me down, saying they had made reasonable efforts resolving the complaint.So here I am, a LegalShield member, having lost substantial amounts of money to legal negligence, no access to lawyers, getting the shaft from LegalShield because I cannot afford a lawyer.
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Robert martin
I spoke with a representative on the phone desiring to cancel my plan , I was given a website to cancel that was not helpful
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Sarah M
I cant believe I fell for this gimmicky service...the attorney can literally call you anytime during the day. And you have to answer right then. Or if you call back even a minute later she wont talk to you because shes busy calling another client. You have to make appointments at least 24 hours in advance. And sometimes the attorney is so busy she forgets to call you. Poor quality service and not helpful. Dont recommend at all.
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Charles Lawrence
This is a monster scam. Save your money. I have been with them for 10 years and they tell me my contract is too old that I don't have all the new benefits. Huge waste of money. I am filing complaints with the bar association as well as BBB and the insurance commission.
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Jennifer Mickel
I have been a member for 19+ years and have only had good experiences with the attorneys and services. Low monthly fees for great service!
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Jasmine Lewandowski
I have paid for these services through my employer only to find out I never had the service! They admitted they had received my funds but are confused about who should pay them back. REALLY? Now that Im active the very first legal question I have I was directed to my employer HR department! I truly feel the CS reps just use that line to get paying customers off the phone! Total waste of money!
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Rita Pinder
I use the service all the time. My life is more at peace knowing that I have someone to reach out to in order to make better decisions. I may not like the answers, but it is the law based on the parameters our country provides. If you don't like the answers, change the law! That's why we have Congress.
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I have had my membership a good 10+ years. Every time we have had to use this service, it has been to MY advantage. I'm about to call them today due to a stunt that big chain store (started by a fellow from Arkansas named Sam) pulled on my 12 year old grandson last night. They are about to get schooled. I will check back in in a few days and let you know what they did and how attorneys from Ross & Matthews straightened them out. Diane StewartHouston TX
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JR Mac
Amazing! Was here for two days of training, and totally enjoyed the venue and most importantly appreciated the staff who made everything wonderful and accommodating! Mr. Bell stopped by the class to share some brief words of encouragement, gratitude, and inspiration! The trainers, Mrs. Wilder and Mr. Roebuck were fantastic!
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Katlyn Beninati
Nice selection. Sale items were not marked clearly.
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Johnny Stephens
Great place to work and great products
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Jessica M
Okay to go and pick up my friends for work
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Crystal Miller
After 13 years of service, I am leaving to chases new adventures and opportunities. It is was a good job, with many great friends, who were honestly closer to family. But always remember that this is a very corporate atmosphere, and the only thing more active than the work itself is the micromanagement.
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Eric Thomas
I was harassed by a Ken Rivas who represents this company. He kept claiming that Sandy Hook was a conspiracy and that no children died. He's part of the Alex Jones militia. Hence, I can only assume that if you give money to this company, you're giving money to Alex Jones and effectively destroying America even more.
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shawn Johnson
Love LegalShield! A local attorney wanted to charge me $1400 for a Will. LegalShield completed my Will just for becoming a member!
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Rayne Vve
The quality and professionalism of this company is quite lacking. There product tries to present a wonderful exterior but when it comes to the quality within it has yet to be seen. The lawyers that have been partnered with LegalShield for 'over 20+ years' don't provide anything in terms of good service. It's takes forever to get a response for even a simple document review, papers are 'lost', and the customer service is non-existent. I would not recommend anyone who doesn't wish to waste there time to buy into this service. Even when you contact their customer service representatives at the home office all you will find is a system designed to give you the run around. LegalShield is nothing more than a Pyramid Scheme.
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Gina Moreno
How can you not love who you're a part of!
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Jennifer Matteri
Amazing place!!
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A Google User
SCAM ALERT! If you live in California then you know the ONLY provider is a lawfirm that is a complete joke! Lazy, incompetent, ignorant 'attorneys' that know less than you do for *any* legal matter, haven't stepped in court in decades, are practically retired and they will even hung up on you and tell you they dont want your bussiness after you have been a loyal member for months!
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joseph maffei
Warning!!!! Do not use this company's service. They will suck the $ dry from any account # you give them, until the 1st day you actually need someone to draw up a nasty letter on Attorney letterhead. They will write it out all nasty like the way you need it to be so that you will get the result you are looking for from whomever wronged you. But then the last sentence of the letter will read something like this...'This law firm does not represent this person in this matter' So they pretty much just take your $ until you need their help and THEN DON'T. And then here's the kicker, when you call to cancel your membership that drag it out until you pretty much have to change your bank acct and tell your bank you've repeatedly called, emailed, recalled and you get the jist........0 stars
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Tara Paustenbach
No idea why people are calling this service a scam. I've had it almost 18 years and would never be without it. It's month-to-month and it takes a simple phone call to cancel if you feel $20/month isn't worth having unlimited access to a national network of over 7,000 lawyers, getting your Will prepared, or all the other services this plan provides. I'd never let this service lapse, as I figure it's helped me save and/or avoid paying 6-figures since 1998. I knew exactly what I was signing up for when I did sign up, and this company has only added more benefits and incentives for me to keep it since.
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P. McKenzie-Lacy
Sad to see folks give Legal Shield a low rating but...I've been with Legal Shield since 2004. I've used them to review contracts, review and advise on covenants, send demand letters to renters, and represent me in court...and I won! Most importantly, they are very responsive and do what they say they will. You name it, they have taken care of me and my family.
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Don Matheson
I have been a member for 20 years. I have been an associate for almost that long. The idea that this company was founded on is fantastic. I have used the membership in more ways and more times than I can count, just to know what my rights are. When you understand how it works, you can't beat it. There is nothing that compares with this network. No company is perfect, but if they make a mistake, they will do everything they can to make things right. Love these guys and yes that includes customer service!
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Kim Berstler
Awesome place to visit and see the history of Legalshield. I am honored to be a Legalshield associate. And I have peace of mind knowing I am protected by them through my Identity Theft Protection plan and my Legal plan.
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Marie Hale
I've had the service for many years now! The customer service is excellent and the attorneys are very responsive and professional. When professional legal counsel is needed, having this is a blessing!
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Alan Smith
I have had this Legal plan for 30 years and have always found it useful, beneficial and gives me peace of mind to know that I have high quality legal counsel at my fingertips.I have been a member of LegalShield's Identity protection plans for about 13 years and have been very happy with it.I would not be without them.
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Kevin Hoover
Good place to work
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As a customer since 2012, company used to be great by paying back full interest&reasonable action by preventing even serious tickets. Even Attorneys used to call us, talk to us, unfortunately not anymore. I assume legalshield can't keep Attorneys interested lately. In my case Attorney could of prevent the ticket easily (using HIGH BEAM LIGHTS on open range HIGHWAY)!!! ATTORNEY DIDN'T EVEN TALK TO ME. I COULDN'T REACH HIM DURING 2 MONTHS. And I strongly believe he didn't even attended! Because no any notice thru the mail or phone call after 2 weeks of hearing! This is truly disappoints anyone for sure. And you Abney, how dare you saying hearing cannot be appeal due to PO EXPIRED! YOU COULD OF REACT ON TIME IF YOU REALLY MEANT TO. So long Abney!
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Coby Thornton
Nice atmosphere and lovely people. Always friendly when I go in to visit my mom.
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Jayson Levin
Grate services and I love working for the companycompany
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Emmalee Jantzi
The first time I used the services of LegalShield, it saved me over $7000! That's enough to cover my membership cost for 35-40 years! I will never cancel this service! I only wish I had known it existed sooner because I could have used it hundreds of times in my life so far!
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Tom McDonough
What a great company with Awesome affordable services
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I love legalshield!! They have always been there for me in the worst times of my life! And have saved me $1000s I'm legalshield for life!!!! I won't go with out it!
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Antoine Everhart-Chappelle
Enjoyed the tour! Updated your was awesome! Must visit.
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Anthony Sexton
Very impressive facilities
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Anthony McPeake
Love my legalshield membership. Have used my attorney's many times to recover thousands of dollars.
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