3 reviews

Marchal & Marchal

marker Greenville, Ohio


3 reviews

It's my opinion that this is TOTALLY UNETHICAL PRACTICE !!PLEASE HELP!! GREENVILLE, OHIO BEWARE of JOHN MARCHAL!! MARCHAL & MARCHAL Ltd. & GREENVILLE NATIONAL BANK !! & DARKE COUNTY JUDICIAL SYSTEM !!STOLE $5,065.76 By manipulating & using my lack of intelligence to take advantage of me!!THIS IS CORRUPTION BETWEEN ALL 3 PARTIES INVOLVED !! J. M. told me the PAYOFF was $3,500. they passed judgement on this September 24, 2002 for $3,294.52 So 16 years go by & the payoff is $3,500. So that equal $205.48 over 16 years. How do you come up with $20,459. in 35 days?? I proposed a payment plan that THEY REJECTED WITHOUT TELLING ME!In 35 days the $3500. was raised up to $23,959.00They garnished my bank account for $8565.76 That was my life savings & it took me 49 years to accumulate that amount, Just to have them STEAL IT from me without warning. I've got nothing I CAN'T PAY MY BILLS !!Can't buy food to keep from starving !!IT'S looking like I'm going to be homeless!!!!!!I was NOT NOTIFIED that my payment plan proposal was REJECTED!!I WOULD HAVE PD the $3500 to put this behind me!!!If they WOULD HAVE CONTACTED ME totell me they rejected my proposal !! Now they say in 35 days my $3500. has went up to $23,959. 'JOHN MARCHAL, J.M.'LIED to me as we were both under oath he told me that he would contact me if GNB REJECTED my proposal so that we could figure out another way to put this behind me. I thought we were going to go in front of the judge or magistrate we was placed in a room alone and my court subpoena stated that we was going in front of the judge or magistrate, I was never told about any court proceedings therefore they done everything without me having any chance to defend myself in this matter. I also don't understand how judge Julie Monnin was able to rule over this case without being present or hearing both sides of the case. Everyone can see wt J.M. figured out by using my ignorance against me. I was totally honest and up front with him & he knew how much money I had in the bank. I believe that he had no intention of letting me know or if he even submitted my proposal. Once I was honest & up front with him I believe his sole intentions was to take all my money by using my lack of intelligence against me & therefore leaving me broke so that I couldn't hire a lawyer to fight back.!! TOTALLY UNETHICAL PRACTICE PLEASE DON'T SUFFER LIKE ME GO ELSEWHERE!! BEWARE don't become another victim of !!'MARCHAL & MARCHAL Ltd.'!! pass this news on,, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!Mr. Ackley has been drawing cartoons about the corruption, wasted tax dollars, idiotic decisions the county, city, judicial system and those affiliated with the judicial system for years and all are truthful. His cartoons show what kind of official's the people in this town and county have to deal with.. It's not just me, these officials are so crooked that they're fighting within themselves. This county needs ALL NEW government officials starting at the sheriff's department and everyone on up the ladder. Commissioners, Judges, Lawyers, City Council, Fair Board about ALL THESE officials are crooked crooks. No out of town lawyer's or other people want to deal with these people because of how crooked they are. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!

Jerry Vachon
