8 reviews

Montana State Hospital

marker Warm Springs, Montana


8 reviews
Terren O'Neil

Dont really understand how hospitals can be so under funded.. its ridiculous to think if a quote normal mental health conscious went into one of the mental health facilities in USA such as this one , they would break down emotionally ! Or should atleast be more sympathetic!? These facilities need transparency so people can see the living conditions mental health patients go through !!! There is a huge burden to pay for lack of mental health advocates! Those Doctors should have there own advocate programs!!! Do any ??? Some bitchesss
Andrew Nelson

I Like Petey book he has very very gooood micey fwends
Crystal Storm

I was sentenced to Warm Springs State Hospital in Montana in 2012 it was a horrible experience when I got there they would not accommodate or respect the fact that I was transgender they forced me to conform to a stereotype for men they also acted as if they knew everything and I knew nothing when I got mad they diagnosed me with a personality disorder they told me I needed a pill called Zyprexa they told me that either I take the pill willingly or they will make me take it the pill they made me take did not do anything for me it just made me gain a hundred pounds more weight I did watch what I eat and exercise the few times I got a chance and I still continue to gain weight when I talk to them about the problem they just told me to keep on exercising even if I do it all day long it's good to exercise but I do not believe that anyone can exercise all day long 7 days a week and they also told me I should be more careful with what I eat even though they're the ones that control it what was I supposed to do only eat one noodle out of my food a day they will not let me shave they told me that it only happens once every eight weeks and that I have no choice but to get used to having a beard I was in the D Wing unit which is the criminal unit they have a person there that is serving a life sentence for double murder he is dangerous he thinks he knows everything and he thinks he's the toughest there is and the boss of the unit I ended up in a fight with him because he tried to control me and treat me as if I was his slave even though he is his that kind of character and has treated me that way and has a history of trying to break out of Warm Springs and to top that off he beat me up he still is allowed to be free in the unit with the others when it came to the fight I had with him they locked both of us up for a day and then the next day they let us both go and act as if nothing happened they made no attempt to make sure that we stayed separate so that that fight would not continue when it came to my diagnosis they diagnosed me with a personality disorder and they told me that I imagined things that thing's in Missoula and people in Missoula are 100% fine and that I was just imagining rudeness and wrongdoing there is no place where things are 100% fine I know that I can tell you one thing if they ever tell me I'm going back to Warm Springs again I'll find some way to end my life after being there in that hellish environment I definitely believe in the old saying which says Give me liberty or give me death
D͙͒A͙͒R͙͒K͙͒ H͒O͙͒L͙͒L͙͒Y͙͒W͙͒O͙͒O͙͒D͙͒

There good with help people
chris talbott

Had to come and visit, considering my wife left me because I couldn't stop screwing around with hookers while out on the road and brought her a horrible nasty STD home. She left me and now I'm losing my mind..
Jesse Confino

This was in the book petey
Ken Obi

Erwin Lizardi-Vazquez
