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Law Office of Kevin Patrick Seaver

Trusted Lawyer Since 1991 Recognized Expert Successfully Specializing in Fighting The Department of Children and Families (DCF).The Law Office of Kevin Patrick Seaver specializes in legal matters involving The Department of Children and Families (DCF). This includes: DCF child abuse reports, DCF child abuse investigations, DCF interviews, DCF home visits, DCF assessments, DCF releases, DCF service plans, DCF Fair Hearings, DCF custody hearings at both the Juvenile and Probate Court, DCF District Attorney Referrals, and DCF appeals. Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly describes Kevin Patrick Seaver as “a leading expert on trying cases involving the DCF.”Since 1991, Attorney Seaver has represented DCF involved families at the Suffolk County Juvenile Court; this is the largest and busiest Juvenile Court in New England. Attorney Seaver has successfully represented over 1000 DCF involved families in and out of court. The experience of litigating and negotiating many trials has earned Attorney Seaver a distinguished and highly regarded reputation.
marker Boston, Massachusetts


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