Choose from 45 Family Law Lawyers in Metairie, LA
Going through a divorce that is mutually desired can make the process much easier. You both need to hire a family attorney Metairie, LA to represent you to ensure that your assets are divided properly. With the average home in Metairie, LA valued at more than $220,000, the likelihood of you having valuable assets that need to be divided is high.
Establish Assets and Debts
Before your divorce can be finalized in court, certain things have to be established other than a child custody establishment. A family attorney near me can help you determine what is viewed as a marital asset by the court. They can also help you establish what your marital debts are so that you aren’t left footing the bill for everything that is owed after your divorce is finalized. It can be hard to get the money to pay off items that you purchased together after a family court approves a divorce.
Determine if Spousal Support is Necessary
The court system is designed to make sure that no one is left destitute after a divorce . Many people think that they cannot afford an attorney if they were a stay-at-home spouse during marriage. Since the best family law attorneys don’t work pro bono for divorce cases, the cost of the attorneys will be covered in the divorce. The attorney can also establish is spousal support should be paid to the party that remained at home throughout the marriage. They are entitled to continue the quality of living that they have become accustomed to, even though the marriage is ending.