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Law Office of Jeffrey T. Sheehan, PLLC

Mr. Sheehan practices mostly, and almost exclusively, family law. Why? Because the simple reality is that no lawyer can practice in many areas of law and practice them well. The single biggest mistake clients make is hiring a lawyer who claims that he or she can handle any type of legal work. Family law is different than all other areas of law because we deal with human relationships which will endure long after the particular legal issue is over.For example, what if a birthmother wants to be able to connect with her adopted child as an adult? To what degree should adoptions be open? Does a birthmother need to include or want to include the birthfather in the process? When and how should a birthmother meet and communicate with an adoptive couple regarding an adoption plan.In the divorce context, the separating couple continues to be life long parents to their children and must have a working relationship in order to serve their children's needs. Though the couple has failed in marriage, this doesn't mean they must fail as parents. Approaching family law issues with understanding and sensitivity to these human factors is what being an attorney and counselor at family law is all about. Fortunately, Mr. Sheehan will help you consider these important questions during his representation of you.
marker Boise, Idaho


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