2 reviews

Combee Law Firm

marker Bartow, Florida


2 reviews
Trecia Perry

Catherine Combee, you have destroyed a happy Christian home. You have ruined relationships among siblings, and instead given the reins to an atheist who has manipulated, mislead, corrupted, and abused innocent minds and beautiful spirits. Nights and days I do my best to reassure my beautiful two year old little girl that her sisters will return. I see the pain in her eyes and feel her anxiety as she waits not knowing or understanding. At times I remember you, the whole exhausting ordeal and the quick inadequate judgement that has so impacted our happy home. To think a person can spend so much time going to school, so much money to gain a career in justice... yet quite the contradiction. I hope for the benefit of our society, morals, and the future lives at stake that life finds you humbled so as you are better suited to judge.
Carly Graves

Catherine Combee, if i get hurt, my house burns down, my children continue to hear and see their mother mementally abused and physically threatened. If my baby gets taken from me by some physco, or all our belongings continue to get stolen and ruined. She will be the reason why. Injunction for a mother of 3 small children denied by Judge combee. Now we have to be scared where we live everyday and hope we can keep from getting to attached to anything because he will take it. Hopefully i will be able to protect myself enough to protect my beautiful babies since Catherine combee didnt think i had enough evidence. I mean a police report with pictures of what he did to my home with the sheriff stating he believes an injunction is necessary. Thanks judge Catherine combee. I hope your nights wil be as long, Restless, and fearful as the rest of mine are about to be!!!