Hiring a Professional Attorney is Essential When Fighting for Custody of Your Child
When a couple splits up after having children, the discussion of custody of the children often comes into play. While custody can be decided outside of family court, there are times when a fight can ensue, and an attorney needs to be hired. A family law attorney specializes in child custody laws and will know the ins and outs of what takes place in family court.
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Know What Family Law Really Is
A great family law definition is laws that pertain to the overall wellbeing of every member of the family. When you have to go to court to fight for custody of your child, an attorney has the responsibility of proving why one parent is a better option than the other based on the laws. Many people question “What is family law?” because they aren’t properly informed about what their rights are. Most men assume that custody automatically goes to the mother, but that isn’t always the case if you hire the right attorney to represent you in court.
Family Law Covers More than Just Custody
Many people don’t realize that other stipulations regarding the care and wellbeing of a child are also decided in the family court. The judge can determine what child support should be paid, when it should be paid and hold parent responsible if they don’t pay it. The family courts are also responsible for overseeing the welfare of children. If evidence suggests that a child may be being abused or neglected, family courts can intervene and take the child from the parents.
Court Appointed Attorneys Are Available
Many people think that they can’t fight for custody of their child because they cannot afford to hire an attorney. They assume that court-appointed attorneys are only available for criminal trials, but that’s not the case. You can get a court-appointed attorney assigned to your case if you can prove that you cannot afford to hire one on your own. There is certain information that you have to provide such as proof of your income and possibly proof of how much you have to spend on monthly costs in order to maintain your home.
The end goal of family court when it comes to children is to make sure that they are placed in the best home possible. They want to be sure that they are able to thrive, are well cared for and are never abused. If you are a father who wants to fight to be able to see your children or to be able to gain custody of them, you can file for custody at any time. If the mother has had custody for an extended period of time and there are no signs of any abuse or misconduct occurring, it may be hard for you to get sole custody of the children, but you should be able to at least get visitation with the help of a qualified attorney.