What exactly is adoption? Adoption is a legal process that allows a person to take on the role of being a parent by a legal bases in place of a child’s biological parent(s). When a child is adopted the responsibilities and rights of are legally transferred from the biological parent(s) to a new guardian.
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Step Parent Adoption
Step parent adoption is a process that occurs in the courts that allows the sole custodial parent’s spouse partner to adopt the child of the parent. This type of adoption is used in situations where the biological parents never got married or are divorced. In this case, a new spouse of the parent, files something called a petition for adoption to begin the process. When a step parent adoption takes place the success of the court process is permanent. In this type of case it is not uncommon for sole parents and parents to be to need adoption lawyers to guide him or her through the process.
Types of Adoption
There are several types of adoption available today. A few of the types are an open adoption, a closed adoption and an international adoption. An open adoption is a type of adoption that happens when both the biological and adoption family have aspects of the others information to keep in personal contact. During an open adoption, the adopting parents have all rights, being the legal parents and guardians. However, in an open adoption there is the option of allowing contact between the biological and adoptive families. If chosen to be exercised, contact is able to occur through various forms, including photographs, in-person visits, etc.
A closed adoption is opposite of an open adoption. A closed adoption has its name because it is a confidential process that occurs. A closed adoption is the process in which a child in infancy gets adopted by a family, and the record of that child’s biological parent(s) is kept confidential or in secret. An adoption lawyer is especially necessary with a closed process of adoption. Another type of adoption is an international adoption. This type of adoption occurs when a person or a couple adopts a child that is from a different country. When the child is adopted, he or she becomes the legal and permanent child of the adoptive parent or parents.
Adoption Process
The process of adoption is a time extensive and challenging road. Ultimately it starts when an individual decides to engage in the process, usually through the use of available adoption agencies. When starting out, potential parents to adopt go through a formal process. The process involves adoption law and is bureaucratic as well as administrative. There is a lot of paperwork, financial obligations, time and patience that is required to go through with an adoption.
Although adoption can be a timely, energy consuming process, the end result leaves many families, adopted children, and adoptive parents with fulfillment and happiness.